This six loop Garland Bubble Wand is much like the one I use at shows to produce my beautiful bountiful bubbles. The difference is this Garland Bubble Wand has six loops. The one I use for shows has ten loops. The six loop version is better for kids because its smaller so its less likely to drag the ground.
You will need two sticks.
Tie the ends of the string one each side of the Garlands to the end of the sticks. Be sure to leave space between the sitck and the nearest
You will need:
Two sticks
Tie the ends of the string on each side of the loops to the ends of the sticks.
Be sure to leave space between the stick and its nearest loop.
To get the best bubbles, the bubble solution you use is important.
Its best to purchase a bubble solution online that needs to be diluted with water. Most of those have a thicker consistency making them stronger to help support the bubbles longer. If the diluted bubbles aren't strong enough - Add 1 tblsp of glycerin for each gallon of water.OR
I also sell Bubble Booster and Bubble Juice.
Six Loop Garland Bubble Wand
This is a six loop garland bubble wand.
Hand stitched with cotton strands.