WHY . . . ?
Have you seen the world lately?
Everyone, seriously EVERYONE I speak to about positive energy agrees that it works and that we need more of it. That tells me that people need to be taught ways to find positive energy within themselves.
I know for a fact that the law of attraction works. Both in your favor and not.
"What you send out is what you get back, so if you feel like your life is under attack, send out better and you'll get better back"
The world would be a more peaceful place if everyone knew that when they wither with their worries or wallow in their woes, that's what their focus is, so that's where their life goes.
I feel that if we can teach the children how to think versus what to think, future generations will thrive in a peaceful world.
HOW . . .
It' started with the creation of the whimsical WiSH Wagon and WiSH Workshops. As soon as I could, I hit the road to spread this message all over.
Next came a book, based upon my WiSH Workshops with real life examples of WiSHes that came true in good and not so good ways. That book will be released in the spring of 2018.
Also in 2018, a reality series called "Wild WiSH Women will be created and then a kids television series. Eventually a trilogy of movies. (I'm ambitious, talented and guided)
Everything will have the same message that peace in the world starts with your piece of the world with imaginative examples of how to find your piece of peace.